A Bit of Orange Books

StoneToaster Media has been in the graphic design business for a LONG time, so when our friends at A Bit of Orange Books asked us to format and illustrate a collection of books for Amazon, we took to it like grumpy old men complaining about kids these days.

The experience has been a good one, and so we’re adding this to the list of things we at StoneToaster Media are offering for you aspiring authors looking to sell your books:

Illustrations/Cover Art: Photos, digitally edited/created images, AI generated images, and combinations of all three.

Formatting: Get your book on paper and Kindle! It takes a couple of steps to go from your writings to a book people can buy and enjoy, and we can help make it happen.

Visit A BIT OF ORANGE BOOKS to see some of the books we’ve worked on, and a large gallery of our illustrations in different styles!